We've also been real blessed experiencing excellent hospitality during our stay with the Dormans here in Belfast. And you somehow pick up snippets of local civic consciousness from everyday conversations. Like Uncle Alan casually mentioning about "too much carbon emissions" when someone else was rattling about flying around in airplanes. And how it seems instinctive to bring out a plastic bag and pick up your dog's poo when we walk around with Dusty the lovely madcap dog. Certainly helps that there're countless bins in the parks designated for dog poo too.

It's thus with both admiration and humility that I realise how much more Singapore can improve in terms of community engagement, social policies, and even simple graciousness to our neighbours, as we clamour to be the top dog only in the usual measures of worldly success. It'll be lovely to imagine the day when foreigners visit our country and "world-conscious citizens" is the first impression they have of Singaporeans.